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Guiden, P. W., Burke, A., Fliginger, J., Rowland-Schaefer, E. G., Savage, K., & Jones, H. P. 2023. Reintroduced megaherbivores indirectly shape small-mammal responses to moonlight. Ecology, e3884.

Holmes, N. D., Buxton, R. T., Jones, H. P., Sánchez, F. M., Oppel, S., Russell, J. C., ... & Samaniego, A. 2023. Conservation of marine birds: Biosecurity, control, and eradication of invasive species threats. In Conservation of Marine Birds (pp. 403-438). Academic Press.

Kurle, C. M., Cadotte, M. W., Jones, H. P., Seminoff, J. A., Newton, E. L., & Seo, M. 2023. Co-designed ecological research for more effective management and conservation. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(1), e12130.

Jones, H. P., Borrelle, S. B., & Rankin, L. L. 2023. Land–sea linkages depend on macroalgal species, predator invasion history in a New Zealand archipelago. Restoration Ecology, e13798.

Lamont, T.A., Barlow, J., Bebbington, J., Cuckston, T., Djohani, R., Garrett, R., Jones, H.P., Razak, T.B. and Graham, N.A., 2023. Hold big business to task on ecosystem restoration. Science, 381(6662), pp.1053-1055.

Spatz, D. R., Jones, H. P., Bonnaud, E., Kappes, P., Holmes, N. D., & Guzmán, Y. B. 2023. Invasive species threats to seabirds. In Conservation of Marine Birds (pp. 97-130). Academic Press.

Spatz, D. R., Young, L. C., Holmes, N. D., Jones, H. P., VanderWerf, E. A., Lyons, D. E., ... & Taylor, G. A. (2023). Tracking the global application of conservation translocation and social attraction to reverse seabird declines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(16), e2214574120.


Ladouceur E, Shackelford N, Bouazza K, Brudvig L, Bucharova A, Conradi T, Erickson TE, Garbowski M, Garvy K, Harpole WS, Jones HP, and Chase, J.M. 2022. Knowledge sharing for shared success in the decade on ecosystem restoration. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(1), e12117.

Pascoe, P., Shaw, J., Trebilco, R., Weldrick, C., Hindell, M. A., & Jones, H.P. 2022. Temporal and spatial variability in stable isotope values on seabird islands: What, where and when to sample. Ecological Indicators, 143, 109344.

Pascoe, P., Houghton, M., Jones, H. P., Weldrick, C., Trebilco, R., & Shaw, J. 2022. The effect of seabird presence and seasonality on ground-active spider communities across temperate islands. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12), e9570.

Rowland-Schaefer, E. G., Bach, E. M., Kleiman, B. P., & Jones, H. P. 2022. Mapping fire history and quantifying burned area through 35 years of prescribed fire history at an Illinois tallgrass prairie restoration site using GIS. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(2), e12144.

Sandin, S. A., Becker, P. A., Becker, C., Brown, K., Erazo, N. G., Figuerola, C., Fisher, R., Friedlander, A., Fukami, T., Graham, N., Gruner, D., Holmes, N., Holthuijzen, W., Jones, H.P., Rios, M., Samaniego, A., Sechrest, W., Semmens, B., Thornton, H.E., Vega Thurber, R., Wails, C., Wolf, C., & Zgliczynski, B. J. 2022. Harnessing island–ocean connections to maximize marine benefits of island conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(51), e2122354119.


Blackburn, R.C.*, Barber, N. A., Farrell, A. K.*, Buscaglia, R., & Jones, H. P. Monitoring ecological characteristics of a tallgrass prairie using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Restoration Ecology, 29, e13339.

Blackburn, R. C., Barber, N. A., & Jones, H. P. Reintroduced bison diet changes throughout the season in restored prairie. Restoration Ecology, 29, e13161.

Guiden, P.W., N.A. Barber, R.C. Blackburn*, A. Farrell*, J. Fliginger*, S.C. Hosler*, R.B. King, M. Nelson*, E.G. Rowland*, K. Savage*, J.P. Vanek*, and H.P. Jones. 2021. Effects of management outweigh effects of plant diversity on restored animal communities in tallgrass prairies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 118(5): e201542118.

Halpin, L.R.*, Terrington, D.I., Jones, H.P., Mott, R., Wong, W.W., Dow, D.C, Carlile, N. and Clarke, R.H. 2021. Arthropod Predation of Vertebrates Structures Trophic Dynamics in Island Ecosystems. The American Naturalist, 198(4): 540-550.

Herakovich, H., Barber, N. A., & Jones, H. P. 2021. Assessing the impacts of prescribed fire and bison disturbance on birds using bioacoustic recorders. The American Midland Naturalist, 186(2), 245-262.

Herakovich, H., Whelan, C. J., Barber, N. A., & Jones, H. P. 2021. Impacts of a recent bison reintroduction on grassland bird nests and potential mechanisms for these effects. Natural Areas Journal, 41(2), 93-103.

Hosler, S.C.*, Jones, H.P., Nelson, M.* and Barber, N.A. 2021. Management actions shape dung beetle community structure and functional traits in restored tallgrass prairie. Ecological Entomology, 46(2) 175-186.

Jones, H. P., & Murphy, S. D. Answering the Call for #GenerationRestoration: The Special Feature from the Society for Ecological Restoration and British Ecological Society to meet the challenges under the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Restoration Ecology. 29(4) e13343.

Nelson, M.*, S.C. Hosler*, F.A. Boetzl, H. P. Jones, and N.A. Barber. Reintroduced grazers and prescribed fire effects on beetle assemblage structure and function in restored grasslands. Ecological Applications, 31(1): e02217.

Pascoe, P., Shaw, J., Trebilco, R., Kong, S., & Jones, H.P. 2021. Island characteristics and sampling methodologies influence the use of stable isotopes as an ecosystem function assessment tool. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(3), e12082.

Rahman, A. U., Jones, H. P., Hosler, S. C., Geddes, S., Nelson, M., & Barber, N. A. 2021. Disturbance-induced trophic niche shifts in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in restored grasslands. Environmental Entomology, 50(5), 1075-1087.

Rankin, L.R.* and H.P. Jones. (2021) Nearshore ecosystems on seabird islands are potentially influenced by invasive predator 1 eradications and environmental conditions: A case study at the Mercury Islands, New Zealand. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 61: 83-96.

Vanek, J. P., Preuss, T. S., Rutter, A. U., Jones, H. P., & Glowacki, G. A. 2021. Using long-term data to compare two sizes of Sherman trap. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 45(4), 574-580.

Vanek, J.P.*, Rutter, A.U., Preuss, T.S., Jones, H.P., and Glowacki, G.A. 2021. Anthropogenic factors influence the occupancy of an invasive carnivore in a suburban preserve system. Urban Ecosystems, 24(1) 113-126.

Wails, C.N*, Baker, K.*, Blackburn, R.C.*, Del Vallé, A.*, Heise, J.A.*, Herakovich, H.*, Holthuijzen, W.A.*, Nissenbaum, M.P.*, Rankin, L.*, Savage, K.*, Vanek, J.P.*, and Jones, H.P. Assessing changes to ecosystem structure and function following invasion by Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis: A meta-analysis. Biological Invasions. 23(9) 2695-2709.



Blackburn, R.C.*, Barber, N.A. and Jones, H.P.* (2020). Plant Community Shifts in Response to Fire and Bison in a Restored Tallgrass Prairie. Natural Areas Journal, 40(3): 218-227.

Bowler, D., Bjorkman, A.D., Dornelas, M., Myers-Smith, I., Navarrro, L., Niamir, A., Supp, S.R., Waldock, C.*, Vellend, M., Blowes, S.A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Bruelheide, H., Elahi, R.*, Antao, L., Hines, J., Isbell, F., Jones, H.P., Magurran, A., Winter, M., Bates, A. Mapping human pressures on biodiversity across the planet uncovers anthropogenic threat complexes. People and Nature. In press.

Burke, A.M., Barber, N.A., & Jones, H.P. 2020. Early small mammal responses to bison reintroduction and prescribed fire in restored tallgrass prairies. Natural Areas Journal. 40(1): 35-44.

Cadotte, M. W., Jones, H.P., & Newton, E. L. (2020). Making the applied research that practitioners need and want accessible. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 1(1), e12000.

Herakovich, H.*, & Jones, H. P. (2020). Prescribed Fire Has a Greater Impact on Artificial Nest Predation Than a Recent Bison Re-introduction in Illinois Tallgrass Prairie. The American Midland Naturalist, 184(1), 48-61.

Jones, H. P., Nickel, B., Srebotnjak, T., Turner, W., Gonzalez-Roglich, M., Zavaleta, E., & Hole, D. G. (2020). Global hotspots for coastal ecosystem-based adaptation. PloS one, 15(5), e0233005.


Burke, A.M., Barber, N.A., & Jones, H.P. 2020. Early small mammal responses to bison reintroduction and prescribed fire in restored tallgrass prairies. Natural Areas Journal. 40(1): 35-44

Barber, N.A., S. Hosler, P. Whiston, & Jones, H.P. 2019. Initial responses of dung beetle communities to bison reintroduction in restored and remnant tallgrass prairie. Natural Areas Journal 29(4): 420-428.

Chase, J. M., McGill, B. J., Thompson, P. L., Antão, L. H., Bates, A. E., Blowes, S. A., Dornelas, M. , Gonzalez, A. , Magurran, A. E., Supp, S. R., Winter, M. , Bjorkman, A. D., Bruelheide, H. , Byrnes, J. E., Cabral, J. S., Elahi, R.*, Gomez, C. , Guzman, H. M., Isbell, F., Myers‐Smith, I. H., Jones, H. P., Hines, J. , Vellend, M. , Waldock, C*. and O'Connor, M. (2019), Species richness change across spatial scales. Oikos. 128(8), 1079-1091.

Cooke, S. J., Bennett, J. R., and Jones, H. P. (2019). We have a long way to go if we want to realize the promise of the “Decade on Ecosystem Restoration”. Conservation Science and Practice, 1(12), e129.

Blowes, S.A. Supp, S.R., Antão, L.H. Bates, A., Bruelheide, H., Chase, J.M., Moyes, F., Magurran, A., McGill, B., Myers-Smith, I., Winter, M., Bjorkman, A.D., Bowler, D., Byrnes, J., Gonzalez, A., Hines, J., Isbell, F., Jones. H.P., Navarro, L.M., Thompson, P., Vellend, M., Waldock, C., Dornelas, M.  The geography of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial assemblages. Science, 366(6463), 339-345.  

Jones, H. P., Barber, N. A., & Gibson, D. J. 2019. Is phylogenetic and functional trait diversity a driver or a consequence of grassland community assembly? Journal of Ecology, 107(5), 2027-2032.

Barber, N. A., Farrell, A. K., Blackburn, R. C., Bauer, J. T., Groves, A. M., Brudvig, L. A., & Jones, H. P. (2019). Grassland restoration characteristics influence phylogenetic and taxonomic structure of plant communities and suggest assembly mechanisms. Journal of Ecology, 107(5), 2105-2120.

Jones, Holly P., Peter C. Jones, Edward B. Barbier, Ryan C. Blackburn, Jose M. Rey Benayas, Karen D. Holl, Michelle McCrackin, Paula Meli, Daniel Montoya, and David Moreno Mateos. (2019). We agree with Larkin et al. 2019: restoration is context specific. Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences B 286(1907): 20191179.

Stanford, B., Jones, H.P, & Zavaleta, E.Z. 2019. Meta‐analysis of the effects of upstream land cover on stream recoveryConservation Biology 33(2), 351-360.


Jones, H. P., Campbell, K. J., Burke, A. M., Baxter, G. S., Hanson, C. C., and Mittermeier, R. A. 2018. Introduced non-hominid primates impact biodiversity and livelihoods: management priorities. Biological Invasions 20(9), 2329-2342

Jones, H.P., P.C. Jones, E.B. Barbier, R.C. Blackburn*, J.M.R. Benayas, K.D. Holl, M. McCrackin, P. Meli, D. Montoya, D.M. Mateos. 2018. Restoration and repair of Earth's damaged ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences B 285(1873): 20172577.

Brooke, M.D.L., Bonnaud, E., Dilley, B.J., Flint, E.N., Holmes, N.D., Jones, H.P., Provost, P., Rocamora, G., Ryan, P.G., Surman, C. and Buxton, R.T., 2018. Enhancing the value of future island eradications needs improved understanding of past outcomes. Animal Conservation, 21(1):19-20.

Brooke, M de L., E. Bonnaud, B.J. Dilley, B. Flint, N.D. Holmes, H.P. Jones, P. Provost, G. Rocamora, P.G. Ryan, C. Surman, R.T. Buxton. 2018. Seabird population change following mammal eradications on islands. Animal Conservation 21(1): 3-12.


Barber, N.A., K.A. Lamagdeleine-Dent, J.E. Willand, H. P. Jones, K.W. McCravy. 2017. Species and functional trait re-assembly of ground beetle communities in restored grasslands. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(14) 3481-3498.

Rocha, R., Sequeira, M.M., Douglas, L.R., Gouveia, M., Jardim, R., Jesus, J., Jones, H.P. and Russo, D. 2017. Extinctions of introduced game species on oceanic islands: curse for hunters or conservation opportunities?  Biodiversity and Conservation 1-4.

Gerstner, K., D. Moreno Mateos, J. Gurevitch, M. Beckman, S. Kambach, H.P. Jones, and R. Seppelt. 2017. Will your paper be used in a meta-analysis? Make the reach of your research broader and longer-lasting. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8(6), 777-784.


Brooke, M de L., E. Bonnaud, B.J. Dilley, B. Flint, N.D. Holmes, H.P. Jones, P. Provost, G. Rocamora, P.G. Ryan, C. Surman, R.T. Buxton. 2017. Seabird population change following mammal eradications on islands. In press at Animal Conservation. 


Meli, P., H.P. Jones, K. Holl, J.M. Rey Benayas, D. Moreno Mateos, D. Montoya, P. Jones, M. McCrackin. 2017. A global review of past land use, climate, and active vs. passive restoration effects on forest recovery. In press at PLoS One.


McCrackin, M. H.P. Jones, D. Moreno Mateos, and P.C. Jones. 2017. Recovery of lakes and coastal marine ecosystems from eutrophication: A global meta-analysis. Limnology and Oceanography 62, 507-518. 


Moreno Mateos, D. E.B. Barbier, P.C. Jones, H.P. Jones, J. Aronson, M.L. McCrackin, P. Meli, D. Montoya, and J. M. Rey Benayas. Anthropogenic ecosystem disturbance and the recovery debt. 2017. Nature Communications 9, 14163. 

Barber, N. A., H. P. Jones, M. R. Duvall, W. P Wysocki*, M. J.Hansen, and D. J. Gibson (2017). Phylogenetic diversity is maintained despite richness losses over time in restored tallgrass prairie plant communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(1), 137-144. 


Jones, H.P., N.D. Holmes, S.H.M. Butchart, B.R. Tershy, P.J. Kappes, I. Corkery, A. Aguirre-Muñoz, D.P. Armstrong, E. Bonnaud, A.A. Burbidge, K. Campbell, F. Courchamp, P. Cowan, R.J. Cuthbert, S. Ebbert, P. Genovesi, G.R. Howald, B.S. Keitt, S.W. Kress, C.M. Miskelly, S. Oppel, S. Poncet, M.J. Rauzon, G. Rocamora, J.C. Russell, A. Samaniego-Herrera, P.J. Seddon, D.R. Spatz, D.R. Towns, and D.A. Croll. 2016. Invasive mammal eradication on islands results in substantial conservation gains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(15), 4033-4038. 

Madura, P. T., and Jones, H. P. 2016. Invasive species sustain double-crested cormorants in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(2), 413-420. 

Russell, J. C., H. P. Jones, D. P. Armstrong, F. Courchamp, P. J. Kappes, P. J. Seddon, S. Oppel, M. J. Rauzon, P. E. Cowan, G. Rocamora, P. Genovesi, E. Bonnaud, B. S. Keitt, N. D. Holmes, and B. R. Tershy. Importance of lethal control of invasive predators for island conservation. 2016. Conservation Biology, 30(3), 670-672.


Schweizer, D., Jones, H. P., & Holmes, N. D. 2016. Literature review and meta analysis of vegetation responses to goat and European rabbit eradications on islands. Pacific Science, 70(1), 55-71.


Milman, A, J.M. Marston, S.E. Godsey, J. Bolson, H.P. Jones, and C.S. Weiler. 2015. Scholarly Motivations to Conduct Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences: 1-12.

Borrelle, S.B., Buxton, R.T., Jones, H.P. and Towns, D.R. 2015. A GIS-based decision making approach for prioritizing seabird management following predator eradication. Restoration Ecology, 23(5): 580-587.

Kappes, P. and H.P. Jones. 2014. Integrating seabird restoration and mammal eradication programs on islands to maximize conservation gains. Biodiversity Conservation, 23(2): 503-509.

Phelan, L., H.P. Jones, and J. Marlon. 2013.  Bringing new PhDs together for interdisciplinary climate change research.  Eos 94(5): 57.


Jones, H.P., D. Hole, and E.S. Zavaleta. 2012 Harnessing nature to help people adapt to climate change.  Nature Climate Change 2(7):504-509.


Jones, H.P. and Kress, S.W. 2012. Global review of active seabird restoration projects. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(1): 2-9. 

Jones, H.P.  2010.  Seabird islands take mere decades to recover following rat eradication. Ecological Applications 20(8): 2075-2080.  


Jones, H.P. 2010.  Prognosis for ecosystem recovery following rodent eradication and seabird restoration in an island archipelago.  Ecological Applications 20(5):1204-1216.  

Jones, H.P. and O.J. Schmitz.  2009. Rapid recovery of damaged ecosystems. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5653. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.000565


Jones, H.P., B.R. Tershy, E.S. Zavaleta, D.A. Croll, B.S. Keitt, and M.E. Finkelstein.  2008.  Severity of the effects of invasive rats on seabirds: A global review. Conservation Biology 22(1): 16-26.  

Jones, H.P., R.W. Henry III, G.R. Howald, B.R. Tershy, and D.A. Croll (2005).  Predation of artificial Xantus’s Murrelet nests before and after black rat eradication.  Environmental Conservation 32(4): 320-325. 

Book Chapters

Jones, H. P. 2013. The impact of ecological restoration on ecosystem services. Pages 199-208 in S. Levin, editor. The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, New York.

Jones, H.P., D.R. Towns, T. Bodey*, C.M. Miskelly, J. Ellis, M.J. Rauzon, S.W. Kress, and M. McKown*. 2011. Chapter 11: Recovery and restoration on seabird islands in C.P.H. Mulder, D.R. Towns, W.B. Anderson, and P.J. Bellingham, editors. Seabird Islands: Ecology, Invasion, and Restoration. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Towns, D.R., G.V. Byrd, H.P. Jones, M.J. Rauzon, J.C. Russell and C. Wilcox.  2011.  Chapter 3: Impacts of introduced predators on seabirds in C.P.H. Mulder, D.R. Towns, W.B. Anderson, and P.J. Bellingham, editors. Seabird Islands: Ecology, Invasion, and Restoration. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Mulder, C.P.H., H.P. Jones, K. Kameda, C. Palmborg, S. Schmidt, J.C. Ellis, J L. Orrock, D.A. Wait, D.A. Wardle, L. Yang, H. Young, D.A. Croll, and E. Vidal. 2011. Chapter 5: Impacts of Seabirds on Plant and Soil Properties in C.P.H. Mulder, D.R. Towns, W.B. Anderson, and P.J. Bellingham, editors. Seabird Islands: Ecology, Invasion, and Restoration. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Schmitz, O.J., H. P. Jones and B.T. Barton (2007).  Scavengers. Encyclopedia of Ecology.  Elsevier, UK.


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